Saturday, June 18, 2005

Class and Race

Generally from heaven, but this is not always so. Some are born on Earth between other angels.

Nephilim: A halfbreed Angel/ Human

Demon: A demon is one of 3 things. a) they are fallen angels that have black angel wings, b) were born as one, between other demons of any of these three demon categories, or c) were givin the power by Luifer himself, chosen especially to recieve those powers, or even commited great crimes that allowed them to attain this power

Elemental: A being who has power over certain elements ( fire, water, air, etc.)

Elf: Pointy ears and all that, you know the deal.

Halfbreed: any half and half breeding (except angel/human as listed above)

Crimson Vampire: A vampire that feeds on blood.

Psychic Vampire: feeds off the emotions and thoughts of others.

Immortal: A being that attained eternal powers or was born with it and does not fit the other fields.

Werewolf: human who turns into a wolf and slays on a full moon, you know that ^.^

Nekojin: a cat-being, has cat markings and the like

Human: a none immortal creature (here in Soma there aren't many left)

Incubus: a male-type demon who seduces women usually, but may seduce men ^.~

Succubus: a female-type demon who seduces men

Other: be creative XD


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